performing Eid prayers Posted on the governorate offices, Irwan Prayitno, West Sumatra governor held a two-day Open House for future home office from pkl. 10:00 pm until 16:00 pm. This is done in addition to tighten silahturahmi among fellow colleagues also established harmony with the people of West Sumatra and the event to share with each other.
Monitoring of Padang today, not only local officials and colleagues of successive governors arriving at the Open House was held, but many of the general public who are also feeling the atmosphere of Eid dikediaman House Office of the Governor, forgiveness and taste the dishes that have been provided.
"Open House is every year we do a degree, but can also strengthen silahturahmi can maintain harmony with one another," said Irwan Prayitno, Sunday (19/8).
It is said, Irwan Prayitno, still many of our brothers out there who might not be celebrating Eid like us because of something specific eperti poor economic conditions, and therefore through the Open House, we invite all walks of life to get together to celebrate and enjoy a day of victory dikediaman Home Office.
In addition, Irwan Prayitno also appealed to all road users when going home and back to remain vigilant and careful as the road conditions have not been 100 percent completed, there are many roads and bridges that have not been completed. For travelers coming from Pekanbaru, Riau and Riau Islands is now able to use the bridge that connects the winding 9 and Riau Province boast, since the handover of the first phase of work has been performed live a second phase which is still in the process.
To bridge the handover phase two winding 9 are estimated to be implemented in 2013.
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