issuing policies issued if a student from campus for four semesters IPKnya below 2.00. This policy was rejected hundreds of students who threatened DO. Campus budge.
Hundreds of Andalas University students staged a demonstration demanding the cancellation of campus policy that removing them from the campus. The policy set forth in Circular Letter No. 655/UN16/PP/2012 that adopts the drop outs ((DO) to students who have attended classes for four semesters have a GPA below 2.00. Digelat protests in the Auditorium of the University of Andalas, Monday (30 / 1).
Action coordinator, said Rizal Aulia, student protests carried out is a form of rejection and disappointment over the policy Unand rector who judge students by having students to move to another campus. If do not want to move, drop out immediately dropped to the student.
Over the policy they value arbitrarily, they do demonstrations. Students question campus policy that had us moved in this semester.
"Where there are state and private universities will accept students in the second semester. This is tantamount to severing the rope academic journey. After all students who will be in force in 2009 the majority DO have two more years studying here, "said Aulia Rizal to the bow, Monday (31 / 1), on the sidelines of the action being performed.
Rizal explained Aulia, a student who threatened DO numbered 198 people scattered throughout the study programs at the University of Andalas.
"If we are forced to move, which could automatically menerina private colleges. Public universities may not accept transfer students with a grade point Kamulatif (GPA) below 2.00. Courses available in Unand, not necessarily available in the private sector. The college should take this into consideration as well, "said Aulia Rizal.
Aulia According to Rizal, the college was not cooperative in enacting policies DO. Before enacting DO, a dialogue should take the college students had to find a solution.
Issuance of circulars that, added Aulis Rizal, there are five who have made the omission Unand. And it's very detrimental to students. First ICT Unand portal system and is still a mess, so many students who double value and is not shared by both. Second, facilities and infrastructure in the process of learning and teaching, such as labor practices and minimal equipment campus bus capacity which resulted in students often struggle to ride the bus. Third academic supervisor who is not so concerned with students' academic progress. Fourth remedial system has not been implemented in all faculties except in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the fifth schedule of lectures is often attached.
"The five points was the result of student assessment that occurred during the time in the University Andalas," said Aulia again.
Moving on Call
The protests lasted for two hours. Dr. Rector Unand. Werry Darta Taifur, SE. MA, Vice Rector I Dr.Eng.Ir. Febrin Anas Ismail, MS, Professor and Vice Rector III. Dr. Novesar Jamarun receive directly the aspirations of the students who protested it.
Werry Darta Taifur said, before realizing the policy of this DO, the university has told students last semester.
"We have to socialize DO policy is far-distant day, precisely at half ago. So when the students demanded that the college dropout revoke this policy, deemed very unwise and excessive, "said Werry Darta Taifur in front of hundreds of students.
He asserted, the college will not impose a system of DO to the students, but only sent to students who have a GPA under 2:00 to take care of moving letters and other universities seeking to continue academic studies.
This step was taken to select students who are really serious in their studies and balances the input and output of students at the University of Andalas. Input with the output level of students in this Unand not comparable. That makes it very much. While that came out a little. So every year Unand should reduce the number of admissions for senior students are still many who do not complete the lecture.
"After this policy was not taken without consideration. If the four-semester GPA of these students are still under 2:00, it would be difficult to pursue courses that will come. Surely they will take more than four years of college, "said Werry Darta Taifur.
Werry said the college does not judge or cut the rope academic students, but help them to be able to complete the course, although at other universities.
To prevent dropout again, Werry Darta Taifur appealed to all parents of students to continue to monitor their children and do not just hand over all matters of academic and personal development of children to the campus.
"Parents should monitor their children values, any acceptance of LHS. Parents should ask for and guide their children in order to improve the academic, "he added.
Meanwhile, Muhammad Fitrah Buana, one of the prospective student will be exposed to sanctions DO said, hastily campus policy and urged students impressed.
"I know this policy after receiving Gazette Results Study (LHS) last semester. I like fall ketimba stairs only. Shock with values plummeted and have also confronted with a new permasalaan which must move from Unand, "said a student of Electrical Engineering Force 2009.
Nature claimed not take care of moving letter, and still waiting for an agreement with the college because there is still a right to study at the University of Andalas. "Although Unand give a grace period to take care of moving to a letter dated January 31, 2012, I will still wait for the results of these demonstrations deal of action in advance," she said, hoping this demonstration led to an agreement with the college. (H / ang / vin)
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